Biopolis Dresden Imaging Platform

Leica workshop on cryo Light Microscopy

May 22: Leica will present an integrated workflow for cryo fluorescence light microscopy and electron microscopy. Test the system with your sample!

The Leica EM Cryo CLEM system enables a safe, fast and contamination-free transfer of your cryo-prepared sample to a light microscope for CLEM imaging. The system consists of a cryo-stage, that integrates in the fixed microscope stage, a cryo-transfer shuttle and a cryo-objective.

This solution will also be interesting for samples of low-light levels and high sensitivity for bleaching.

The system will be available for testing from May 22 - June 1. If you are interested to come with your sample please contact Tobias Fürstenhaupt (furstenh[at]

The demo will start on May 22 with an introductory talk bei Leica:

Title: "Leica EM CRYO-CLEM: An Integrated Workflow for Cryo-Light and Electron Microscopy"

Date: Tuesday, May 22

Time: 2pm

Location: Galleria at MPI-CBG